Dogs and cats at Petfest.

IDEAS Blog |

Petfest 2019: Celebrating the Relationship Between Our Furry Friends and Their Owners

This article was originally published on the News & Insights section of the Wilbur-Ellis Nutrition website on October 11, 2019.

Pet costume contests, dock diving for tennis balls, speed trials, agility courses and more dogs in one place than you can imagine. These are only a few of the highlights from the Fromm Family’s annual Petfest event held every September in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Each year, Wilbur-Ellis Nutrition is proud to support this one-day event, which celebrates the unique and wonderful bond between pets and their owners. As we’ve done in past years, after a full day of sunshine and activities, our team sponsors the culminating Friends & Family Dinner.

Lowell Seaman welcomes attendees to the Friends & Family Dinner Sponsored by Wilbur-Ellis Nutrition each year

“Attending Petfest and sponsoring the Friends & Family Dinner is always a highlight in our year,” explained Lowell Seaman, senior marketer, Wilbur-Ellis Nutrition. “People cherish the relationships they have with their pets, and it’s great to be part of an event that not only focuses on and highlights that special bond, but also celebrates pet health and nutrition.”

Engaging with the communities where we live, and work is part of who we are at Wilbur-Ellis Nutrition.

Our affiliation with Fromm Family Pet Foods began more than a decade ago and our continued involvement with Petfest showcases the longevity and strength of the relationship we’ve built.

Lowell Seaman stands with leaders from Fromm Family Pet Food, hosts of the Petfest event.

“It’s meaningful for us to support a company like Fromm whose values and approach to incorporating quality ingredients in pet food are aligned with our own. We’re already looking forward to Petfest next year and hope to see another great turnout,” said Lowell. 

In the spirit of National Pet Wellness Month this month, we’re proud and honored to support an event that brings people and their pets together.

To learn more about our commitment to pet wellness and health, visit our website.

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