
IDEAS Blog |

New Purpose, New Logo. One Wilbur-Ellis.

When I took over as CEO a little over one year ago, I began by traveling to meet with team members and listen to the challenges they faced and the opportunities they saw for Wilbur-Ellis and Connell. From Texas to Singapore and Saskatchewan to Australia, I heard about how market forces both current and future are compelling us to evolve at a faster rate than ever.

What became clear was that, although we operate in diverse markets, we have a lot more in common across our businesses than we have differences. In fact, if we pooled our resources, experiences and knowledge, we would have far greater potential to successfully anticipate and meet change head-on.

I learned something else in this first year – that in addition to having much in common functionally, the people of Wilbur-Ellis share a common set of values and sense of purpose. We had not yet clearly defined that purpose, however, which is so essential for reminding us WHY we all come to work each day, and why others are drawn to working with us. So, with input from our leadership team and employees, we landed on a statement of Purpose that feels not only true to who we are and where we’ve been, but also where we’re going.

At Wilbur-Ellis, our purpose is to provide the essentials for the world to thrive.

Uniting as One Wilbur-Ellis and being guided by a common Purpose unlocks opportunity, sparks change and has inspired a fresh identity to take us into our 100th year and beyond. Subsequently, along with establishing our statement of Purpose, we’ve updated our logos which you may have already noticed on our blog and website.

And this is just the beginning. As we advance towards our 100-year anniversary, you’ll start to see each of our business divisions taking on this new brand identity and living out our Purpose as we focus on the essential elements people need to protect where we live and enhance what we use every day to make the world a better place, to help it thrive. 

We hope you’ll support us in our journey.

©2025 Wilbur-Ellis Holdings, Inc.