New plants sprouting in a freshly tilled field.

Environmental Stewardship: Cavallo Ventures

Cavallo Ventures, the venture capital arm of Wilbur Ellis, supports early-stage companies that solve real problems in the industries we serve. Beyond capital, we provide deep expertise and market knowledge.

Investing in Sustainable Agriculture

One example is Cavallo Ventures’ investment in Crop Enhancement Inc., an innovator of sustainable agrochemical products that enhance crop yields. With its investment, Cavallo Ventures is accelerating the development of breakthrough crop protection technology – particularly for production of high-value fruit and vegetable crops.

Crop Enhancement’s CropCoat® technology targets major fruit and vegetable crops across North America, Southeast Asia, Greater China, Latin America, Europe, and West Africa. To boost crop yield, Crop Enhancement develops films and formulations that modify plant surfaces (leaves, stems, fruit and seeds) to improve plants’ resistance to pests and diseases, while reducing the need for synthetic pesticides and pesticide applications.

The formulations can be applied with agricultural inputs (such as nutrients, fertilizers and other active ingredients), enabling growers to reduce costs, increase crop yields, and support worker wellness and safety.

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