Kids' Giving Program Submissions
September Submissions
Studying hard in school is important. It helps you get a job you’ll love to do!
What do you want to be when you grow up? Tell us about the job you’d love to have and why. Also, what subjects do you need to study in school to get the job of your dreams?
Bonus points for telling us your favorite subjects in school… and the subjects you don’t enjoy so much.

Henry Bennett (12-14)
Since I was a little boy people have asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. Over the years my answer has changed. I have wanted to be a Army Ranger, history teacher and even a super hero at one point. In the past couple years though I have found my passion in agriculture. My love for agriculture first started when I was 10 and my grandpa got me started in raising honeybees. Over the past 3 years I have successfully went from 1 to 7 hives. Watching my honeybees pollinate and help our neighbors berry field is a humbling experience. Something so small making a huge impact. Then I started raising hogs. It started as a 4H project but then turned into something big. I currently have 5 breeding sows. Being able to provide people with healthy and quality meat from my farm to their table gives me a since of pride. The possibilities in agriculture are endless, and we all depend on agriculture as a life source. I have truly found a passion. I love being able to grow or raise something that helps other people. So, that's why I don't want to be superman anymore instead I want to be able to help in a real way. I want to be able to produce a product that helps our communities live and thrive. I know I have my work cut out for me. I am planning on taking some animal science and ag science classes. I need to take a business class. I also plan on taking some public speaking. Agriculture is in a decline. I want to be able to advocate for it. I feel like I need to get out there and share my passion with others. I love school and am excited to start working on my dreams. I feel like we all can play a part in making our world a better place and for me I feel like this is how I can do that. Using my passion for agriculture and helping others.

Bella Bennett (9-11)
Hi My name is Bella Bennet and I am 10 years old. When I was 5 I got really sick and nobody knew why. My heart was enlarged and I felt horrible. A long 2 years later they discovered I have celiac disease. From that day forward I have been gluten free. I have always loved to bake with my mom. When I went gluten free it was fun because I got to experiment with different ingredients to make good food. I also was a little sad because there are not many gluten free bakeries. The few I have found are really really good. But they can be kinda expensive. My dream is to open up my own gluten free bakery. I want to try and keep my prices low so everyone can enjoy a special treat. I would have delicious baked goods. People who don't even have to eat gluten free would want to come because it will be so good! I know I need to be good at math and take math so I can run my own business. I need to take some cooking classes to get better and learn new tricks. School is hard for me. So I have to work extra hard. It will all be worth it though when I have my bakery.

Shamaine Tea (12-14)
I want to be an inventor when I grow up. I would love to invent a car that could help the environment; a car that absorbs and uses carbon dioxide from the air as fuel. When the car moves, it emits oxygen into the atmosphere, reducing air pollution. This will be a sustainable way to keep the world cooler. In order to realize this dream, I need to be good in Science and Math. My favorite subjects in school are Science and Math because I love to learn the logic behind patterns and concepts, explaining how things should work. The subject that I hate the most is Malay language because it is difficult to learn and confusing.

Hammad Ahmed (6-8)
My name is Hammad Ahmed, and I am 8 years old. When I grow up, I want to be a mathematician. For me, math is the most captivating subject in the whole wide world. I also like technology, which is again an extension of math. Math helps me think logically. Being a mathematician is going to help me logically build and engineer robots-and it's all fun! With robotics, I can automate in places humans can't reach, such as delivery on Mars! I need to study math seriously to become a mathematician, but that will be easy because it's my favorite subject at school. Computers function in mathematics, which is one thing I also admire. All computer data is stored in a "0-1" format, which uses math. So if it weren't for math, there would be no computers. Now, think about life without computers! Math Rocks!!! I don't enjoy music in school. It might sound weird to some, but it's true!

Ethan Hunt (15-17)
For most of my life, I have known I wanted to enter the engineering field. I am intrigued by designing things that solve problems. With my interest in space and aeronautics, I would really like to become an aerospace engineer. I have attended several camps at the Kansas Cosmosphere to learn more about this field and to meet people with similar interests. Classes such as tech drawing, math, and science will help me achieve my career goals. These classes will help me reach my goals by teaching me why things happen and how to solve the problems they cause. History and English are my least favorite but I still manage to excel in them (A+ and A-).
Evy Jungwirth (3-5)
George Jungwirth (3-5)

Chloe Nestler (6-8)
I want to be an engineer and a quidditch player when I grow up. I would like to invent a flying broomstick and a flying bike because I think they would be better for the environment, I do not like long car rides or traffic and I need a flying broomstick to play quidditch. I would need to study math, physics, design and engineering to get the job of my dreams.

Sachi Banerjee (6-8)
Everyone has a different mindset as a child. When I grow up I want to become a Teacher/Doctor. I have selected these two because I like to help others in whatever way I like. Helping people makes me happy. To fulfill my dreams I would like to take science/E.V.S as there are many nice things to study. I also love maths subject in school. I have also done many school activities with the help of my mother.

Colton Arnold (12-14)
A job I would love to have is a chef because I would be able to cook as a job, make people happy with my food and make myself happy as well. Subjects I would probably have to study are Chemistry and Home Economics. My favorite subjects are probably ELA and science, then hated might be math.

Eva Weber (6-8)
That is a hard question. I like lots of things. But what I really want to do is help animals. I want to help injured or sick animals and rescue animals from the wild that need help. I want this job because I LOVE animals and LOVE learning about them. I will need to take classes about animal's bodies, their habitats and know as much about them as possible. I really like all subjects in school. But reading and math are my favorites. I like to read so I can learn more about lots of different things like blue whales, breeds of dogs, snakes and even spiders (which my mom hates).
Reagan Kilman (12-14)
Hi my name is Reagan Kilman I am a sophomore at Colton High School. Some of my favorite classes are Math and Animal science some of my least favorite are English and Art. One of my favorite things to do are to raise and show pigs in 4-H. Right now I would want to get into the medical field doing ultrasounds, there is a lot of opportunities for growth because there are so many areas to specialize in. My main interest to specialize in would be OB/GYN ultrasounds. Here in Oregon, Oregon Tech has a program for me to attend. It is a two year schooling and a minimum of one year internships. The classes you would have to take are Anatomy and Physiology, College algebra, General physics, English Composition, and Medical Terminology.

Atharva Kulkarni (3-5)
I want to be an Astronaut when I grow up, because I like to put on an Astronaut costume and fly in a spaceship, watch stars and planets. But, apart from being an Astronaut, I also want to become a chef as I like to eat delicious food and make it too like my mom. I will need to study science and mathematics, read lots of books and watch MasterChef.
Ivan Chong (12-14)

John-Austin Giere (6-8)
"I want to be a 'digger' for gold and other precious metals. I believe the classes that I will need to go to are 'a rock class' and a 'safety digger' class combined."

Eve Hansen (12-14)
While I’m not entirely sure what I want to be when I grow up, I have always had an interest in writing; I like coming up with stories. I find it easy and enjoyable to express myself through writing, and I think that doing it as my job would be really cool. In order to become a writer, I would need to pour extra studies into my English and Literature subjects. My favorite subject in school is my writing class, in which I get to research subjects of interest and write informative essays on them, as well as doing frequent creative writing assignments. My least favorite subject in school is studying the Government Systems in place around the world. I find government a little bit confusing, and in all honesty, rather boring.

James Hansen (12-14)
When I grow up I want to be a librarian who helps kids find their books. I have wanted to be a librarian for a long time. I think the two main reasons are 1. I could read books during my breaks and 2. PEACE AND QUIET WILL HAPPEN! :) Classes in school I would need to take are probably business administration and literature classes. Speaking of such, my least favorite subject is writing because I have a hard time with it. But my favorite subject is math because it's easy to figure out things through and through with scratch paper, and if you don't know the answer, with help you can know.

Valor Hansen (3-5)
I want to be Optimus Prime. I want to save people. I would also like to be an Ant Man or Bug Man or Bee Man, so I can help people. I will need to do what my teacher says. I will need to obey my teacher. I want to be Thor and Sonic. My favorite is obey my teacher. I don't like when it gets boring. I want to me to be an astronaut and have a watch that can make me turn into, you know, good guy aliens. I want to be Maui and Moana.

Pax Hansen (9-11)
Well, when I first heard the question “what do you want to be when you grow up” I think of the many things I really like to do and I think about if I could turn one of them into a job. After I thought, I know I like to make YouTube videos, and play video games. So what if I made a YouTube channel were I do video game walk throughs, so that’s what I want to be when I grow up. The things I would need to study would be: video editing so I can make my videos more enjoyable and good looking, better business so I can have people understand me better, and better speech so they can know what I’m saying better. My favorite subject is to do video editing and I’ve already done some but I hope to learn more. And I find language very boring.

Joshua Hansen Jr. (3-5)
I want to be Joshua. I want to help with cleaning the living room and family room. I want to go on work trips like dad and work in his office. I want to play with cousins after work. I'll need a password for work. I need to learn how to call people on the phone. In school I want to color and sing songs for God and play outside. I super like eating snacks with Miss Sarah. I super like it all, there's no part I don't like.
Vera Hansen (6-8)

Wyatt Faulstich (12-14)
Hi, my name is Wyatt and I am in the 6th grade. My favorite subjects are Math and Art. My least favorite subjects are Reading and English. When I grow up I want to be an underwater welder. I want to be an underwater welder because you get to travel all over the world and explore the ocean. An underwater welder can make up to $300,000 a year. Things that you need to study are math, science and welding.

Dylan Hunt (12-14)
I want to become a mathematician when I grow up! I’d like to be a mathematician because I am really good at math and I enjoy Khan Academy, Freckle, and MART (math+art) in math class. Some subjects I will need to study in school are math, reading, and science. I don’t really enjoy reading, but it is important because it will help me clearly understand word problems. Science is a subject I like and it is also important because there are a lot of numbers and math questions in science. I also enjoy writing. In writing class this past month, I enjoyed writing an autobiographical sketch! Some of the things I need to do to achieve my goal of becoming a mathematician are to excel at math, practice all of the time to remember all simple math facts, and also know how to use a calculator well. These skills will help prepare me for a math career in the future. I think I have an excellent chance of becoming a mathematician!
Andrian Erlangga (3-5)

Charis Chew (3-5)
I want to be a nurse when I grow up because I want to care for people and rescue them from Covid-19. I need to learn about science of the human body and mathematics. I don't know what subject I do not like.

Colton Frost (6-8)
I want to be a Beekeeper when I grow up because it is the best. I like to use the smoker to calm down the bees and drive the forklift to move bee boxes around with my dad. I also like to scrape the honey off the frames & put them into the extractor. My favorite bee is the drone bee because they do not sting. I already learned how to be a good beekeeper from my dad and papas, but I think I need to do very good in PE to be strong so I can pick up bee boxes and work hard. My favorite subject in school is recess & my least favorite is daily language.

JT Issler (12-14)
I would like to do something where I can work with animals. I really enjoy going to the zoo and learning about animals. I have been able to get some experience working with animals through 4H. Specifically, pigs and rabbits. I know that I will need Math, Reading, and Science for a job like this. I don't really like Science that well so far but am hoping it will become more interesting to me this year.

Nolan Issler (9-11)
When I grow up I would like to have a career in sports. I am not sure what I will be doing yet. Some examples would be sports medicine, sports management, coaching, teaching, sports writing. Learning about, playing, and talking about all kinds of sports is my favorite thing to do. I know that I will need most subjects at school for any of these jobs. My favorite subjects are English/Writing, Art, History, and Reading. Math is not my favorite.

Elena Young (3-5)
I want to be a farmer, because I like riding ponies and growing flowers and feeding chickens. And I love to have all of the animals that are on a farm. I also want to own a hair salon so that I can help make everyone beautiful. Art and math are my favorite subjects.

Abigayl Van Zyl (9-11)
When I grow up I would like to become a professional tennis player. Tennis is my favourite sport and hobby. I have 4 medals and 1 trophy from playing tennis. You can make lots of money playing tennis. I would love to inspire little kids to do a sport they love. If I don’t get the chance of being a professional tennis player I would try to become a tennis coach. I love helping kids play tennis and I would be more than happy to at least assist a few kids in tennis. Although you don’t really need to study any subjects in order to be a professional tennis player, I would still practice my math and science since it could possibly help improve my tennis. My least favourite subjects are everything except for: maths, art, P.E and writing. The rest I don’t like very much.

Madalyn Mangibin (9-11)
I love animals and nature. It is my passion. When I grow up I want to be a Veterinarian so that I can work with animals. I want to help take care of animals and be around them all day. I want to see what pets people have. This would be the perfect dream job for me. The subjects I will need to study in school to become a Vet will be science, biology and zoology. My favorite subject in school is science because I like doing the fun experiments. The subject I don't enjoy is math because sometimes the equations are hard to do.
Opal and Walter Brender (3-5)
Addie Greenfield (3-5)
Cooper Fordon (9-11)
Kexel Fordon (6-8)
Shi Heng Neo (9-11)
I want to be a Botanist when I grow up. I am interested in nature, and like to study animals, plants and things around me. I want to create new type of plants. The subject I love most in school is Science and I need to do well in Science to be a Botanist. I am also in the Environmental club in my school. The subject that I don't enjoy most in school is English because the English teacher is very fierce.

Isabella Finch (12-14)
My dream job would be to be a child life specialist. If I was a child life specialist I would be able to help kids prepare for surgery. I would have to study education for kids. I would really enjoy being with kids all day, and my backup job would be a teacher. My favorite subject is English. I love learning about prepositions and nouns and stuff. I don't really have a least favorite subject, but it is hard understanding math. This is why I want to be a child life specialist.
As part of our 100th anniversary celebration, we launched the Giving Program to help people in need worldwide. In total, the Giving Program raised $52,000 USD for the Red Cross, building on the company’s $100,000 donation in 2020.