Kids' Giving Program Submissions
August Submissions
At Wilbur-Ellis, we help customers grow food and produce products for people, pets and livestock. This includes fruits, vegetables, flowers and grains of all kinds. With this in mind:
What are your favorite fruits and vegetables, and what are some of the different ways you like to eat them? Bonus points for also telling us the ones you don’t like.
Atharva Kulkarni (3-5)

Hannah Ponce (6-8)
I love eating watermelon sliced with salt on it. I like to grow my own watermelon to see if I can grow a bigger watermelon than last year. It is so nice to be able to go to the garden and pick my own strawberries and raspberries. My mom and I made some raspberry bars that were delicious. I help my mom make the sweet biscuits for fresh strawberry shortcake and when they are done I add the berries and whip cream. Kale is good eat fresh out of the garden, I love how the leaves are all curly. Kale grows so fast that sometimes I share with the horse or the chickens. Carrots are fun to grow especially when they are the multi colored ones. I will dig up a fresh carrot for me and my brother and then Doc (the horse) will nicker at me to share my sweat treat. I don't like to eat the Popeye spinach, it doesn't make have muscles like Popeye. I don't care for green apples, they are too sour. Cooked carrots are yucky. There is just something about mushrooms that is just not right.
Charis Chew (3-5)

Aarav Narayan (6-8)
Hello, my name is Aarav and I am 8 years old. I have many favorite fruits and vegetables. Some of my favorite fruits are: Mangoes - I love to eat this sliced. I especially love to eat around the seed of the mango as this is the juiciest part and is really delicious. I also love fresh coconuts, the coconut water and the flesh. When I went to Fiji, I would have coconuts everyday. I also love bananas. I have these sliced in my weetbix for breakfast. I also like all types of berries such as blueberries, raspberries and strawberries. Did you know that strawberries are the only fruit to have seeds on the outside? Out of all the fruits, I have to say that my most favorite are cherries. Cherries are so sweet and delicious. I love going cherry picking in the summer. I eat more cherries than I can pick and my t-shirt is always red with cherry stains. Some of my favorite vegetables are avocados. I love avocado on my sandwiches and in salads. I also love cucumbers especially in salads and raw in my lunch box. I also love carrots as well. My least favorite vegetables are celery because they have no taste and are stringy. I also don't like zucchini. They just don't taste very nice, but my mum always hides celery and zucchini in pasta sauce when she makes it. She thinks I don't know that she puts it in the sauce, but I know! I love her anyway! Thank you for reading about my favorite fruits and vegetables.

Olivia Finch (15-17)
I love fruit, but my favorites are constantly changing. My current favorites are grapes, cherries, and strawberries. I like to eat cherries for a mid-day snack. I usually put grapes in my lunch for school. Strawberries are usually one of my favorite fruits because I can eat them so many ways. I eat them normally and on anything like cake, whipped cream, yogurt, ice cream, and in smoothies. My favorite vegetable is corn. It has been my favorite vegetable for quite awhile. My favorite way to eat corn is on the cob. My uncle grows corn and it is amazing! A vegetable I do not like is asparagus because the consistency is weird to me. A fruit I do not like is honeydew, but I like almost every other fruit.
Sachi Banerjee (6-8)
Celia Christensen (9-11)
Mia Liu (3-5)

JT Issler (12-14)
My favorite fruits are strawberries, apples, pineapple, and bananas. I do like to try new fruits sometimes also. I like to eat strawberries with whipped cream and I really like to eat fresh pineapple. I don’t have many favorite vegetables! I do like green beans and potatoes. Are french fries a vegetable?! I like to eat mashed potatoes for dinner or green beans. Most other vegetables I have tried I did not like.
Aniston Cole (6-8)

Owen Ponce (9-11)
I love to go out to the edges of our fields and pick blackberries to make a blackberry crisp with oatmeal, brown sugar and butter as the topping. Blueberries are so delicious to just go pick them off the bush and eat them plain. I enjoy watching the orange tops of the carrots appear above the ground in the garden as they grow bigger. It is fun to dig up my own carrots for dinner and smell them cooking. I enjoy crunching into little green onions after they have been grilled on the BBQ. We are going to plant some asparagus plants at our house. My favorite is when it is grilled with a little oil or butter and my dad puts Johnny's seasoning on it. I don't like to eat pears, there is just something about the texture that I can't stand. My least favorite is brussel sprouts, the smell of them cooking makes the house smell bad.
Rudra Salunkhe (3-5)
Atharva Salunkhe (9-11)
Addie Greenfield (3-5)

Joshua Garcia (9-11)
My name is Joshua Rudy Garcia. My favorite fruits and vegetables are beans, pineapple, lettuce, apples, oranges, spinach, rice. I like to eat beans with cheese. I like to eat pineapple on pizza and on its own. I like to eat lettuce with lime. I like to eat apples with peanut butter and also on its own. I like to eat oranges on its own. I like to eat spinach with lemon. I like to eat rice with beans.
Pax Hansen (9-11)
Norah Jackson (3-5)
Joshua Hansen (3-5)
Aelea Jackson (6-8)
Imogene Hansen (3-5)
Jack Jackson (3-5)

Vera Hansen (6-8)
My favorite fruit is an apple and I like to eat it in slices with peanut butter! Just because it's delicious! Its one of my favorite breakfasts! I ate an apple and it made my tooth loose-er than before. I want to lose all my teeth soon. My favorite vegetable is carrots. It's my best friend's favorite vegetable too. I like to eat them whole and fresh. I don't liked steamed veggies or cooked veggies. And I don't like tomatoes or onions! I don't like cucumbers either.
Valor Hansen (3-5)

Carter Kloha (9-11)
My favorite fruit is apples because "an apple a day keeps the Doctor away". My favorite kind of apples are granny smith because they are tart and sour! My favorite vegetable is corn because it makes popcorn and I love that with lots of butter! I also like to eat corn on the cob straight out of our garden.

Jackson Kloha (12-14)
My favorite fruit is blueberries, I like to eat them on ice cream and make homemade blueberry syrup with my Grandma. I like to go to a local farm and pick my own blueberries, I end up eating more than we take home! My favorite vegetable is potatoes, the first dish I learned to make was scalloped potatoes, with lots of cheese and bacon. I love potato chips and especially with dip. I pretty much love any kind of potatoes.

Dalila Straws (12-14)
Some of my favorite fruits are strawberries, apples, plums and grapes. I like to eat strawberries with sugar and apples in small slices. For plums, I like to skin them first, then eat the inside. I also eat grapes that way! My favorite vegetables are cauliflower and lettuce. I like eating lettuce right off the head. I like eating just the flower part of the cauliflower, not the stem and NEVER cooked!

James Hansen (12-14)
My favorite fruit is the tomato because of its great taste. I prefer to eat it with salt and pepper over a slice of it. That gives it a more extravagant taste and surprisingly tastes better. It may sound weird, but it's way better. My favorite vegetable is cucumber because it's nice and crunchy on the outside and good and nutritious on the inside. I prefer to cut it into slices because then I can have a bite of it at a time. This usually will amount to me eating two cucumbers total. My least favorite fruit is the banana because it will easily go overripe and has an unusually squishy taste. This I prefer to eat as banana bread, because that makes it taste better. But that's probably because of the sugar. Unfortunately, it probably makes it more sugary than healthy. My least favorite vegetable is a carrot. I'm fine with a couple of carrots, because they're good for me but large quantities make me feel sick of them. I prefer a small group of baby carrots over a big long carrot.

Eve Hansen (12-14)
My favorite vegetable is onions, because they go so well in so many different foods! I like to help with the cooking in my family, and I use onions a lot. I chop them up into little pieces and cook them in butter on a regular basis. My favorite fruit is watermelon, because it's a family favorite to eat in the summertime and at family gatherings! I love cutting watermelon into big thick slices to munch on in the shade on a hot day. A vegetable that I do NOT like is artichoke. My family had artichoke for dinner one time, and it was really gross. A fruit I don't like is Red Delicious apples. I find them too soft, squishy, and bland.

Joshua Hansen Jr. (3-5)
Apple is my favorite. Cucumber too. Because I like it. We cut them and serve them and eat them. They're yummy. I also like oranges. I don't like mushed strawberries. I like the thing in our garden. The pumpkin. I want to cut and eat it.
Avyaan Drolia (3-5)

Aidan Issler (6-8)
I like a lot of different fruits and vegetables. This year I am growing a garden so that I can learn about vegetables. I am growing corn, green beans, carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, and onions. I like to eat salads and other veggies cooked different ways. My mom and I cook together and I can try different things. I like most fruits too. My favorites are strawberries and apples. I take fruit in my lunch for school everyday.

Santiago Malavet (9-11)
Some of my favorite fruits and vegetables are bananas, strawberries, raspberries, passion fruit, broccoli and carrots. I like to eat bananas and strawberries in a pancake or by themselves as a snack when I’m hungry. I like to drink passion fruit juice because it tastes really good. I eat raspberries as a side dish. And I like to eat broccoli and carrots as part of my meal. Some of the fruits and vegetables I don’t like are coconut, pineapple, watermelon, squash and beets. I don’t like them because of the taste and the texture. YUCK!
Ally Christensen (6-8)

Nolan Issler (9-11)
I don't like many vegetables. I have been growing cucumbers this summer so I can make them into pickles. I love pickles! When I was in preschool I had to bring my lunch everyday and it was supposed to have 1 fruit and 1 vegetable. I did not like vegetables so my mom told me to tell them pickles were technically a vegetable. It worked! I like bananas, grapes, apples, and oranges. Grapes are my favorite. Especially green grapes.
Ford Accornero (3-5)

Lucia Troy (9-11)
Hello, the vegetables I like best are brussel sprouts with butter and salt because they are fresh from Salinas and are yummy! The fruit I cannot stand is bananas, because when they get old and spotted they are soft and smell from across the room! It drives me crazy!
Macy Payne (15-17)
My favorite vegetable is for sure cauliflower because you can do so many things with it, such as use it as a replacement for wheat flour in things like pizza dough, a gluten free alternative. Also you can use it like rice, and mix it with other vegetables. That can give it different flavors and it can go with nearly anything. You can cook it in many fast and easy ways like steaming, frying, grilling, or mixing with other ingredients. It’s a very versatile vegetable and very interesting because I think white is a cool color for a vegetable. I like that about dragon fruit as well, the color is neat and the fruit itself is good in many ways. While is is more rare in my area than cauliflower because you can’t grow it from your garden, I like dragon fruit in smoothies, homemade sauces, by itself, many other ways. Both these foods are also very healthy and have many nutritional benefits :)
Nathan Qualls (9-11)
Dylan Qualls (6-8)
Lauren Qualls (6-8)

Aria Wynn (3-5)
I love apples and grapes. With apples, I like to bite into them. I also like them cut into pieces and eat them in a bowl. I eat pumpkin, carrots and beetroot with my lunch which is so yummy. I don’t like broccoli. If anyone asks me to eat broccoli, I say "no thanks."

Isabella Finch (12-14)
My favorite fruit is either bananas or strawberries. I love bananas as a snack and sometimes I will eat it for breakfast with peanut butter or Nutella. If I have strawberries though, I have to have sugar with them. I will rarely ever eat strawberries without sugar. I eat strawberries with sugar because I think that they are too sour without sugar. My least favorite fruit is probably tomatoes. I don't even know if they classify as a fruit, but I think they are. My favorite vegetable is definitely corn. I eat corn a lot. I love to eat corn on the cob with butter. Every time we go to my uncle's for Thanksgiving, I always eat all of his home grown corn. My least favorite vegetable is broccoli. I never really tried it other than one time, but I didn't like it very much that time. These are my favorite and least favorite fruits and vegetables.

Abigayl Van Zyl (9-11)
I have 2 favourite fruits, watermelons and passion fruits. On hot summer days, my Mom cuts watermelon into slices and when we eat it we get all sticky. My teacher has a passion fruit tree and brings them to class for us. I cut the top off and eat it out with a spoon. To be honest, my favourite veggie would have to be broccoli. I like eating it with melted cheese on top. I call them little trees. My least favorite fruits are mulberries, blackberries and tomatoes. I don't like eating eggplant.

Daniella Van Zyl (9-11)
My favourite fruit is a mango. I cut it in half and then make lines with a knife and turn it inside out and then eat the mango pieces. My friend Keira has a very big mango tree that we have climbed before. My favourite vegetable are carrots. I love eating raw carrot sticks especially as brain snack for school. I really dislike tomatoes and zucchini.
Opal Brender (3-5)
Walter Brender (3-5)
As part of our 100th anniversary celebration, we launched the Giving Program to help people in need worldwide. In total, the Giving Program raised $52,000 USD for the Red Cross, building on the company’s $100,000 donation in 2020.